Women's Dental Health
Unhealthy Gums May Lead to Premature, Low Birth
Weight Babies
Recent evidence suggests that the health of a
woman's mouth may adversely affect her
In a landmark study performed by Dr. Steven
Offenbachler and colleagues at the University of North
Carolina, researchers discovered a chilling association
between maternal periodontal disease (gum disease) and
preterm, low birth weight pregnancies. In the study,
mothers with periodontal disease were seven times more
likely to deliver preterm, low birth weight
Several theories have been offered to explain
how bacterial infection can cause preterm, low
birthweight pregnancies. The gums are full of small
capillaries which often become injured and "leaky" in
periodontal disease. This damage allows bacterial toxins
like LPS to enter the bloodstream. Toxins could
potentially travel the bloodstream to the placenta where
they could induce premature birth.
Alternatively, the body's immune response to
bacterial infection of the gums produces a number of
chemicals called cytokines. Two of these cytokines, PGE2
and TNF-alpha have been shown to induce preterm labor.
Such cytokines produced in the gums as a result of
bacterial infection could enter the damaged blood vessels
of the gums, travel to the placenta, and once again
result in premature birth.
While more studies need to be performed to
confirm the University of North Carolina results, it is
advisable that women considering pregnancy see their
dentist. The dentist can determine whether you have
periodontal disease and take the necessary steps to treat
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Disclaimer: The information contained within is for
educational purposes only. It is not meant to serve as
delivery of medical care. Those persons with specific
medical questions should consult their dentist,
doctor, or other medical care provider.