Your Child's Candy, Why the Bad Rap?
Many of us remember growing
up being told that candy was the mortal enemy to our
teeth. It was something to be avoided if we didn't want a
mouthful of cavities. The truth is, however, that candy
may be no worse at causing cavities than many of the
other foods we enjoy.
We've all heard that candy is bad for our teeth.
Parents often provide their children with fruits, health
snacks, and other substitutes for candy. Surprisingly,
these snacks can be just as bad or worse than the candy
they replace.
Cavities are caused by bacteria which work,
live, and play within our mouths. These bacteria feast on
food left on teeth after meals. The bacteria produce acid
as a by-product of their feasting. It is this acid which
eats into tooth enamel, creating cavities. Surprisingly,
bacteria can use other foods just as efficiently as they
can use candy to create this cavity causing acid . In
fact, any food containing carbohydrates can be utilized
by bacteria. This includes foods such as potato chips,
crackers, and breads as well as fruits, peanut butter,
and pasta.
In fact, many of the snacks which we think are
healthy can actually be very damaging to teeth . These
include foods which tend to get stuck to teeth where they
provide a constant source of carbohydrates for bacteria
to use in creating acid.
Raisins, for example, tend to get stuck on teeth
providing a long term feast for bacteria. Likewise,
peanut butter also tends to get stuck on teeth long after
we eat also providing a source of carbohydrates for
bacteria to feed on.
So if candy is no worse or better at causing
cavities than other foods, why the bad rap when it comes
to candy? One reason may be that although candy provides
the body with sugar (an energy source), candy does not
provide the body with other nutrients vital to the proper
growth of young bodies. By constantly eating candy, young
children may not be getting enough of the foods that
provide them with needed proteins, fats, vitamins, and
If you chose to let your children have candy,
what are some of the things that you can do to ensure
that your kids enjoy candy without getting a mouthful of
cavities ?
The key is moderation and balance. Just as any
substance eaten in excess can lead to problems, so can
eating too much candy. Make sure your children are in the
habit of brushing their teeth after eating candy. This
toothbrushing is also necessary after they eat other
between-meal snacks.
Another excellent way to reduce your children's
craving for candy is to provide other foods as snacks,
like fruits, nuts, and yogurt. Remember, however, that
kids need to brush after eating these snacks as well in
order to prevent cavities.
With a little education, a little moderation,
and proper brushing after eating, your children can enjoy
candy without ruining their, doctor, or other medical care