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"In Your Mouth It's Germ Warefare!"

How Your Gum Disease Starte

We fight a battle against bacteria (germs) everyday. Millions of these microscopic monsters live, work, and play on our teeth in a soft white substance called plaque. Unwelcome guests, the bacteria (germs) feed on left over food particles, creating acid as a by-product of their feasting.

It is this acid that eats into tooth enamel to create cavities. The very same bacteria also pour out volatile sulfur compounds that cause bad breath.

Daily brushing and flossing remove plaque bacteria from our teeth, keeping their populations in check. The problem begins when we fail to floss or brush correctly. In the areas we miss, plaque bacteria hardens (calcifies) into tartar. Tartar can no longer be removed by simple brushing and flossing but can only be removed by your dentist.

When bacteria turns ugly

Over time, levels of more dangerous types of bacteria build up within tartar. Mean and vengeful, these bacteria produce toxins that irritate and inflame the gums. This condition is known as gingivitis, the first stage of gum disease.

If left untreated, gingivitis progresses to periodontal disease - a condition where bacteria and their toxins invade not only the gums, but also the bones and the structures supporting your teeth. This damages the bones of the jaw and causes teeth to fall out.

Surprisingly, this bacterial invasion is not the only thing that damages gum tissue. Your body's own immune system ends up contributing to the destruction of your gums.

Normally, your body produces chemicals called cytokines and collagenases that fight off bacterial infection. This is designed only for short term infections.

If the infection is long-standing, like that associated with gum disease, these chemicals start to turn against your very own body, furthering damaging gums, connective tissue, and the bones holding your teeth in place.

Next... We'll learn how things become even worse, threatening your general health.

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