Feel relief in a matter of minutes ...
Like a band-aid, ORA5 protects and speeds the healing of canker sores (mouth ulcers). This
revolutionary product is not available in stores but can be found in dental offices or ordered from this site. Why suffer from canker sore misery when there's ORA5 for fast pain

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Canker Sores (Mouth Ulcers) can cause extreme pain and take a long time to heal.

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The end of a q-tip was soaked with ORA5 and only one of the ulcers was treated..

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ORA5 - A BandAID for your mouth!
After ORA5 is applied to the ulcer on the right a protective covering forms. This covering prevents
infection from bacteria, speeds healing, and dramatically reduces pain.
If you are not completely happy with the results you get with ORA5, return it for a complete,
no-hassle refund.
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