You Can Learn
Forex Trading Today!
3 Products
That Will Teach You The Basics Of Forex Trading And Allow
You To Start Earning Money Now!
Johnathan Quinones
Feburary 2008
Dear Friend,
Have you been trying to learn the foreign
exchange market online? Well, I have and I can
tell you it’s not easy! First there are a lot
of forex e-books and websites that have no information at
all. They
just want you to sign up for a forex managed account
using their software, give them your money and hope it
works. Then
there are the websites that promise to teach you
everything you need to know BUT you have to give them
$250 - $5,000 dollars just to open an
account. Now
I don’t know about you but there was no way that I was
going to spend that much money on a subject that that I
knew very little about and had no forex training to speak
of. So, I
rolled up my sleeves, went back to work and dug deeper
into the online forex trading market. I did even more
searches, visited even more websites and read about every
forex forum post I could find.
Now You Can
Benefit From My Hours Of Online Research
Into The
Foreign Exchange Market
That’s right, instead of giving up on my dreams
of financial freedom, I worked harder then ever
before! I
searched for more information about forex trading and you
know what I found out? No one wants to help
you. No one
seems ready to help explain the nuances and pitfalls that
come with trading foreign currencies. I mean you will learn
what a PIP is, what the charts mean and that the currency
market is open 24/7 around the world but how does that
put you in a position to start making money? When I visited the
online forums about forex at places like Google, Yahoo
and MSN, people were simply not interested in teaching
you how to trade currency online. Even when I found a
“good” website with some helpful information, it seemed
like those sites were made for people who already knew
how to make money in the forex market. By the time I read
about PIPs, charts, technical analysis and MACD averages,
I was confused tired and discouraged. I almost gave
IF You Really
Want Something, Never Give Up
It was then that it happened. I decided to do one
more intensive research session. It would be my last
attempt at learning about the Fx market
online. If
it worked, then I could go on fulfilling my dream of
financial freedom. If not I would have to
either give up or come up with the $5,000 bucks for one
of the online classes I came across on a previous
Does The
Technical Information And High Risk Nature Of Forex Trading
Cause You To Be Confused And Afraid?
Don’t Be, Read
On and I Will Tell You How To
Succeed In
This Competitive Market
Maybe it
was because I had already seen all of the bad sites or maybe
my method of researching had finally become more precise,
who knows. All
I know is that all of a sudden I was finding really good
sites with a lot of easy to understand
Finally I was starting to get a feel for the forex market
and I was not overwhelmed by it. I started to get a good
feel for the basics. You do not believe
me? Well here
are some answers to some basic questions that I did not know
at the beginning of my search. I wish someone had just
told me this in plain English when I started, it would have
helped a lot.
So now I am going to help you:
Question: What is a
Answer: The literal definition
of a PIP is “Percentage In Point”. It is equal to
1/100th of a percentage point it
usually corresponds to the fourth decimal point in
a price quote. (ie. 1.0001 and 1.0006
is a difference in 5 PIPs) A PIP is the smallest
percentage point that can be earned in a currency
The difference between the values of two currencies,
called the “spread”, is measured in PIPS. When you make a
good trade, you gain PIPs, when you make a bad trade you
lose them.
How many PIPs you gain or lose tells you how much profit
you made or lost.
Question: Why is margin an important
concept in forex trading?
Answer: Margin is defined as the
least amount of money that you have to have deposited in
your account in order to place a trade in the forex
market. The
money you have deposited in your account acts as the
collateral for your trade. Since the forex market
allows for 100:1 leverage, you only have to have 1% of your
trade value deposited in order to make a
trade. This
basically means that in order to purchase $100, 000 USD
in the forex trade market, you only need $1,000 USD
deposited in your account. This allows you to play
like a “big boy” with smaller amounts of
Question: What is
leverage and what does it mean to my bottom
Leverage is the amount of effect (measured in United States
Dollars, USD, for this example) you get for every 1 dollar
you actually invest. It gives you more buying power and with
more buying power you can increase your return on investment
with less money actually deposited in your
account. This
concept is very important when you are talking about trading
in the forex market because it has a huge leverage factor of
100 to 1.
Basically, leverage
allows you to enter trades involving $100,000 USD while only
depositing $1,000 USD. Thus any fluctuations in
the price of USD, positive or negative, are multiplied by
factor 100.
This factor is multiplied even further, when you start
trading multiple “Lots” of currencies because
1 Lot = 100,000 of any
given currency!
So if you are trading 10 Lots of USD then that equals
$1,000,000 and you only have to deposit $10,000 USD to do
What does this mean for
your bottom line? Well it could mean good or
bad but whichever way it works out, it is either going to be
EXTREMLY good or EXTREMLY bad! When you invest $1,000 USD
then a change in USD values in the ranges of 1-10 PIPs would
mean profits/Losses in the ranges of $100 - $1,000
USD. Now
imagine if you were a millionaire trading 1,000 Lots of USD
at a time.
Yeah, you would have to deposit a cool 1 million USD to get
in the game but you would be working with 1 billion
dollars. Now a
change in 1 - 10 PIPs would mean profits/losses in the range
of $100,000 - $1,000,000. Do you understand what
leverage means to your bottom line now?
Leverage makes dealing
in the fx market both extremely profitable and extremely
dangerous at the same time. While there is a huge
potential for great profit there is an equally huge
potential for great loss and you should always do an
adequate evaluation of your risk/loss benefit before you
make any trade!
Question: What do charts tell
Answer: The simple answer is
that charts provide a visual representation of the price
movements for a particular currency over a period of
Basically, it lets you know whether the price for say
United States Dollars (USD) has been going up or down for
the last month. This is the most basic
information and it really does not tell you much in terms
of making buy/sell decisions. Since you only make
money by being able to accurately predict market changes
(up or down), you cannot be satisfied with
just knowing
the historical price pattern for a given currency, you
have to be able to use the historical data to predict
future price changes with a degree of
accuracy. In
order to do that you need to become good at using
“technical analysis” techniques.
Question: What is
technical analysis?
Answer: Technical analysis
allows the experienced trader to “look behind” the charts
at the causes for the observed movements in price for a
given currency. Once you understand
what is going on with the numbers that the charts are
built on, it gives you the ability to identify trends and
establish historical models concerning the trading
behaviors of a given currency market.
When you learn how to use these trends and
models to accurately predict the timing and strength of
future market fluctuations, you are then ready to start
profiting from trading in the forex market. Once you go deep into
technical analysis and future predictions you are beyond
having only a basic understanding of foreign exchange
markets and you should be dealing with a expert trader in
order to learn the nuances of the market.
To have a
basic understanding of the forex trading market means to
be comfortable with introductory terms and theory behind
the process of trading foreign currencies. Knowing what a
PIP is, understanding leverage and margins and applying
technical analysis to charts, only gets you in the
game. It
does not teach you how to win.
So What Did I
Do With This Basic Understanding?
Now that
I had a basic understanding, I went back to my previous
research notes and read everything again. I revisited every website
and read all of their information over and
over. I
found out that most of them were just what I thought they
were, money sucking black holes that were not interested
in teaching anything to the person just getting
started. I
also saw something else, something that I had not been
able to see before because I did not have a basic
understanding of what I was looking at. I saw rays of
hope. I saw
websites and products that were really trying to give you
an edge in the forex market and help you make money by
trading foreign currencies. I found three websites
that just might be for real.
Finally, I
Found 3 Products That Could Teach Me How To Trade Foreign
Currencies Like The Big Boys.
Now I have compiled all of the products in this
one place.
That’s right I have listed on this page all of the
products I have found that can truly help you get a basic
understanding of the forex market and start you on your
way towards being a successful trader. It’s the kind of
resource page that I wish was available when I started
and since it wasn’t, I made one.
an excellent mentor in
the forex
on this
If You Order All Three
Products, You Will Receive The Following Benefits:
Access To FREE
Forex Trading Articles That Will Increase Your
Basic Understanding Of The Forex Market
No Monthly Fees, So You Only Pay
Once And Learn Enough For A
Learn How To Reduce Your Risk And
Increase Profits By Selecting The Right Currency
Pairs To Trade
Learn The Top Mistakes Made By
Most Traders And How To Avoid Them And Save
Learn How Keeping A Trading
Journal And Proper Organization Can Increase
Learn How To Write A Trading
Plan And Increase Your Trading
Learn What Questions To
Ask A Broker BEFORE You Sign With
Learn Why Support And Resistance
Levels Are Important To Change A Potential
Losing Trade Into A Profit Generating
Learn Formulas To Predict “Pivot
Levels” And How They Effect Your Buy/Sell
A FREE Non-Farm
Payroll Strategy ebook - This ebook Will Introduce
You Into An Advanced Level Of Forex
Learn A Proven “Fundamental”
Approach To The Theory Of Forex Trading That Will
Skyrocket You Into The Advanced Level Of
Trading |
an excellent mentor in
the forex
Click on this
That’s a lot of information to get in one
package and a lot to learn. So, let me say this right
now. If you
want to be successful in this market, it will take
work. A lot
of work and you know what? It will be worth it,
Believe me!
Why It Is
Worth Your Time And Money To
Learn How To
Trade In The Forex Market
The forex trading market is the single largest
market in the entire world! It trades over 3
trillion dollars every day, 24 hours a day, 6 days a
week. That’s
bigger than stocks, bonds and gold put
Heck, that is bigger than the budgets of most
If you want to get rich, I mean really rich, then the
forex market is where you want to begin your
However, I did not say “Get rich quick” because that is
not what I am talking about. While you can make a
lot of money by trading currencies, you can lose just as
much money.
The only difference between making more money than you
ever dreamed and losing your last nickel is;
Having access to as much pertinent
information about a given market and the trade
currencies as possible, and
Having the knowledge and skill to
evaluate that information and make an accurate
buy/sell decision.
I knew this when I started researching the forex
market online. I knew that the only
thing separating me from my dream of trading currencies
was getting the right information and learning what to do
with it. What I didn’t know was how to get the
information, knowledge and skill without paying thousands
of dollars for it, getting ripped off or
both! I also
had no idea how much bad and useless information I would
have to plow through and how hard it would be to keep
going. I
almost did not make it here. Due to the sheer amount
of useless websites and lack of sincere desire to help
people understand the basics, I was nearly overwhelmed by
confusion and misinformation. I almost gave
up. I am
sure you almost gave up too. But you didn’t and now you
are just 3 clicks away from the start of your new
an excellent mentor in
the forex
Click on this
OK, What Is
This Information Going To Cost Me?
Nothing, it will cost you
absolutely nothing. The access to the above
information is FREE. Remember, I have spent
hours and hours researching the forex market
online. I
have seen all of the garbage websites, the meaningless
forex forum posts and ridiculously priced forex training
courses. I
have also been through the emotional ups and downs that
come when you get discouraged and distracted from
pursuing your dreams. Now you can benefit
from my hard earned experience and save yourself a lot of
grief and what will it cost you? How about a couple of
mouse clicks! Simply click on the
links below, visit each of the sites, evaluate the
products for yourself and make a decision. Do you want your
financial independence? Do you want to learn
forex trading? If the answer is yes,
than click on a link and begin making your dreams a
an excellent mentor in
the forex
on this
You Get Just One Of These Products You Will
Of The Game. Get All Three, Do
The Work
You Will
Be On Your Way To
A Successful
Trader In The Forex market
So, why do I provide you with 3 different
products and not just one? Well, there is actually
2 reasons.
One is because after looking at enough sites and reading
enough sales letters you get a feel for the market and
you can tell what is good. These are good
sites. They
are all supported by people with real experience trading
currencies and they all have excellent and specific
customer testimonials. Secondly, each site
offers unique opportunities to the person who is new to
forex trading.
second reason is important because it is crucial that you
get multiple perspectives on anything in order to get a
clear understanding of what it truly is. If you just look at one
side of a square block, you only see that one
side. It’s only
when you pick it up, turn it around and actually see the
other sides that you know what it is and have a clear
picture of it in your mind. Understanding the forex
market is the same thing. Using all three products
together will allow you to achieve the same type of
understanding about the forex market
itself. You
will be able to pick up the market, look at it from
different perspectives and get a complete picture of it in
your mind.
That’s what you really want right? If you look closely at the
3 products, each of them offers you a different skill and
perspective on the market.
- Gives you the initial training, support and a
step-by-step theorectical approach to forex training
that you will need to go from a person who understands
the basics, to someone that is ready to actually start
- Gives you access to an up-to-date, fully compatible
software system that can provide you with the
information you need to make decisions once you learn a
proven methodology to apply to your decision making
Watching In Lion Country -
Gives you an advanced way of looking at the forex market
in general.
It provides an entire new way of thinking that will take
you from being an intermediate trader to an extremely
profitable one. Just read his
Each on
of these products provides you with a different way of
looking at the forex market. By purchasing all three
products, learning the information provided in each and then
combining them to develop your own trading methodology, you
will be well on your way to successfully trading currencies
for profit.
If You Order All Three Products
You Will Receive The Following Bonuses:
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20 Plus Hours Of Interactive
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Access To software That Will
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Get The information You Need To Make Profitable
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A Limited Time Coupon For 50% Off
One Of The Recommended Products
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Daily Video
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Learn A Proven “Fundamental”
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But Wait, What If These Products Don't
Work For Me?

You do not have to worry. Every single one of the
products above, are backed by a double layered, iron clad
money back guarantee. That means that you get
one guarantee from the owner AND one guarantee from the
market place through which the owner sells their
product. To
put it bluntly, YOU CANNOT LOSE! Now I will say this, it
has been my personal experience that no product will work
if you do not work! If you are not
committed to doing the work necessary to make your dreams
reality, then they will remain dreams. I know what its like to
be afraid to take the next step, to just give
up. I almost
gave up on this but I didn’t. In fact, I am still
going. If I
find more products that will truly help you be
successful, I will add them to this page. So be sure to check
back every now and then for more information. So, if you are ready to
become everything you can be, to experience true
financial freedom, click on a link below, evaluate the
products for yourself and take your first step into your
new life… TODAY! Good Luck.
an excellent mentor in
the forex
on this
Johnathan Quinones
P.S. I know from personal experience that
learning about the forex market online is
hard. It’s
even harder when you have to plow through all of the bad
websites and useless information on the web. Please take advantage
of all the time I have spent researching the online
market to identify 3 good products that will help you to
become a profitable trader in the forex
Simply click on the links below, evaluate the products
for yourself and make a decision. I already have and I am
working hard to obtain financial freedom every
day. Are
an excellent mentor in
the forex
on this
P.S. As an
extra bonus
I have setup an online course for people serious about
achieving their financial goals through trading in the
forex market. If you buy one of the
products above simply put in your first name, email and
order confirmation code in the form below and I will send
you a link to the first article for FREE. You will receive 6 more
emails with links to 6 more articles periodically over
the next couple of weeks. This is in addition to
all of the oter benefits and bonuses mentuioned
an excellent mentor in
the forex
on this
P.S. If you still need more information after visiting the
above links, here are some more forex ebooks and
resources for forex trading at