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Live Currency Charts Article:

Time Your Trip Around Currency Fluctuations - The Cheap Way To
By Teve Torbes, Thu Dec 8th

Finding a cheap vacation spot abroad can be virtually impossible- everything seems more expensive these days, and vacations areno exception. So how do you find a bargain? One way is to planyour trip to a place that is experiencing woes againstyour home country's currency.

Currencies fluctuate against each other constantly - it can be asign of one country's health just as it could be a sign ofeconomic problems with another. But that needn't affect yourvacation - you don't care about the interest rates or theemployment statistics in Thailand, but investors do. The trickto getting a cheap vacation abroad is to pick a country that hasa cheap at the time of your trip. This lowers yourcosts in a number of ways - your money will be worth more whenyou get there. Hotels will be cheaper, and you'll be able to payfor all the fun things you do on vacation for cheaper. There areplenty of places on the Internet

you can watch pricesat, and your travel agent will probably tell you if you ask. Thetrick to being able to plan this sort of vacation is to beflexible until about a month out - currencies (usually) don'tswing that dramatically in that period of time, so pick a fewpotential places you'd like to go and choose relatively close toyour planned departure date. This will let you get a tripsomeplace fun and still have money in your pocket to spend doingwhat you want on your vacation.

About the author:Teve Torbes is an awesome owner of a flea control site, whoknows a whole lot about air mattress stuff. Hehas also created a valuable air purifierresource.

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